Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dreading= Tough Shedding

Dreading=Tough Shedding

Okay, so I started my healthy eating yesterday, and I just have to say...It was NOT easy. I had so much stress on my shoulders yesterday, that I just wanted to give into something that I didn't "HAVE" to do. 

Stress makes everything more difficult, even diets, especially when you are an emotional eater. My advice? Always have someone to talk to. My cousin Shayna has been a huge help through all of this, and her advice to me was great. Find something else to do when your emotions run high. Pick up a new hobby, or find old ones that you have lost. Put your frustrations into something that will benefit you, instead of help destroy you. 

I stuck through it even though  my emotions were running high. I cried a little, and sucked it up. It was all worth it. Today I am feeling in a better place, and my stomach is happier than it was yesterday. It will take time for my stomach to shrink, but I know in the end, it will be worth it.

It will be worth it,

Because this blob is WORTH it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Enough, is Enough

Enough, is Enough

Well, over the years I have kept telling myself I need to lose weight. My biggest problem when facing this was not the task itself, always the mindset. Let me explain. 

I have always struggled with my weight, ever since Elementary school, I was usually the heaviest in my class. Usually, being this way would have a toll on ones, say, self-esteem. Well, this case is no different. It did have a toll on my self-esteem, but not in the negative aspect. I have always been heavy, and I have learned to be "okay" with that. I learned to be happy with who I was on the inside, because well, I wasn't happy with who I was on the outside. I always told myself-if someone loved me, it would be for who i was, and not what I looked like. 

If I am so comfortable with who I am as a person, why am I suddenly going to start losing weight? This answer is simple. Quality of life. Being "big" comes with certain health risks, that someone would have to be dumb to put on themselves, by choice. I don't want to have a heart-attack when I am 30. I have avoided diabetes...and other risks of being extremely overweight, but I have also avoided the doctors. I want children in the close-future and I do not want to set a bad example for them. I also want to be able to play with them, without getting tired in 10 minutes. I also would hate to willingly put on them what I went through when I was young, and over weight. 

Losing weight. Now. That is what it comes down to. 

So, as a little extra motivation, I have decided to hold no boundaries. I will be exposing myself (not in the literal sense, of course). I will no longer be hiding behind my own knowledge of my weight and image. I will be exposing it to all of you. I will be doing this in hopes that knowing, that you know, will help me change that number, to something I am proud of, instead of ashamed of. 

Well, here it goes, no more procrastinating.

My name is Kinsey. I am 23 years of age. I stand at 5'7", and I am 306 lbs

Here I am, The Blob, of this Blog. 

Welcome to my journey.